Come on all ye landlubbers. Take to the high seas with your facebook profile and give it a pirate theme. Facebook offers members the ability to transform their Facebook profile into any language that they like. But whats the fun or point in that. If you scroll down to the bottom left corner of your profile page, you’ll see your current language. Click on this, and you’ll have a list of all languages available to you. Notice that you now have an English Pirate option?
Ahoy matey – yer now a Cap’n of the high seas of facebook! Now as you go through your profile page you’ll notice some pretty funny pirate variations.
Now, the wall is the Plank, your profile is the Cap’n’s Log, and you can now either click a post as pleasin’ to me eye (like) or blabber t’yer mates (comment). It certainly removes the “boring” factor from your old standard Facebook pages.
Have fun turning your facebook profile into a pirate facebook profile!
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