Saturday, September 4, 2010

Required field must not be blank - solution

Any blogger who recently have tried to add or edit a gadget (page element) which did not have a title for the gadget must have come across this problem - the gadget cannot be saved without a title. Error message - "Required field must not be blank"

One way to solve the problem is of course to give them what they want - a title for the gadget. But then many don't want that, so how?

There is a simple solution, a trick if you may, to this problem. Put the HTML comment tag

<!-- -->
into the box (field) for the title. Such HTML comment tag will not be displayed in any browser.

Further, if you wish you can put some texts between the comment tag, it too will not be displayed

<!-- these text will not be displayed -->

Note: Had I typed in the comment tag exactly as you see it above, it would be invisible to you. You may be interested in how I got around it.
Additional note: For those not familiar with HTML comment tag and not confident about how the comment tag will appear after posting, you can try a test post or just copy-paste the following script:

<!-- this is a pair of HTML comment tag -->

into the post editor, Preview, and presto, the comments disappear!


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