Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hack Paypal and pay $0.01 on every thing you buy

Here is a new trick to hack bank accounts using firefox and get pay money of your own choice no matter how much it costs. I tried this on Alertpay and Paypal and it worked for me.

Note: You must be using Firefox

1. Get his addon: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/966

2. Find a site that requires you to pay (best if its software) at PayPal.

3. Find the paypal button (yellow one).

4. Go to Tools > Tamper Data

5. Click “Start Tamper” in the Interface

6. Click the PayPal button

7.A popup window will popup on the Data Tampering window asking you if you want to tamper the data. Press Yes

8. In the new window find the Text field that says “amount”

9. Change the amount to “00.00″ or “00.01″ (that is the amount you will pay)

10. Press OK and stop Tampering the data

11. You will get transfered to PayPals paying page and you will only need to pay the amount you inputed. Most of the sites will take you straight to the softwares download page instead of checking how much you payed, first.

I hope this helped.


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