When you purchase domain from the Godaddy you will get free web hosting for life. As you know if the hosting is free than they put ads on your pages to earn some money for running cost. Same thing for godaddy also,they put ads on top of each page. There is no option of reducing the size of the ad and you cannot put ad in different places. So here i have given trick to remove ad banner from the godaddy free web hosting. Demo page that i have removed ad.
Cut and Paste the following CSS code in between <head> and <head> tag
This code work untill the godaddy team uses iframe ID as conash3D0
Finding iframe ID
1. Open you ad displayed page
2. Right click on the page and click on 'View Page Source'
3. At the end of the source page you will find script defined. Note down the .js file.
In my case it is https://a12.alphagodaddy.com/hosting_ads/gd01.js
4. Put this .js link in address bar of the browser and hit enter. You will see javascript source code.
5. Search for 'iframe id' value in the source code. That is ur iframe id(may be conash3D0)
Ad Removed Page demo
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